Elaine Collett

The visual and emotional power of colour is at the core of what defines my painting whatever its impetus or genre.

I am interested in the beauty of nature, but also in that hinterland where landscape meets manmade intervention. The casual juxtaposition we have become accustomed to of discarded debris washed up on beaches, scattered through fields or littering verges.

a beaten track through grass - a weed against a wall

a blade pierces calm waters - a stillness at the edge

solar panels in a field - a concrete bridge - a worn brick wall

plastic shards and discarded debris on beach and in field

movement, rhythm, balance, contrast, flow - energy

This statement relates to my core interest and the impetus for a large proportion of my work across a range of media resulting from the repeated mental imprint of many walks. However sometimes I work from subject matter and in a way which is purely expressive and responsive - life drawing, still life groupings of fruit, flowers and vegetables.

I have lived and worked in North Dorset for many years. During that time I have exhibited my work widely, have taught art, history of art and run a variety of classes and workshops for adults.

BA Hons. Fine Art - University of Reading

MA Fine Art - Arts University Bournemouth


Instagram: @elainemcollett


01258 472844 / 07787522597