Hilary Turnbull

"I think of my work as a record of the process of painting and although landscape based is less about a specific time and place and more about memories and emotions evoked at the time and whilst thinking and working.

My paintings go through many stages: few bear any resemblance to the original idea but traces of earlier versions show through.  I am interested in shape, colour, tone and texture and although I draw constantly and take photographs, they are an aide memoir.  It is the bringing together of the parts into a satisfactory whole that interests me.  Memories of places visited, people met and conversations held will often spark an idea.  Sometimes I will pursue a particular series of shapes because it allows me the freedom to explore the endless possibilities of different colour combinations and the balancing of large and small areas.  I start with an idea and allow the painting to lead, working intuitively.  This way the work evolves on the canvas over days, weeks or months gathering texture and layers.

I have exhibited in London and the South West including Royal West of England Academy, currently have work with the Bils & Rye Gallery in North Yorkshire and take part in the bi-annual Wylye Valley Art Trail Open Studios"